Follow up/ Action items |
1200-1205 Review Minutes |
Move to approve-mg, second-ps Approved |
Reflection |
You are part of something bigger, thank you for
making a difference! |
1205-1210 Web site |
- Web site update –rdpulled up on monitor, reviewed and open to comments
- Had to pay for 2 months on old site for transfer of domain access and content harvesting ($17.95 x 2, rd request reimbursement $35.90) Discussed
- Web hosting site –request to change domain to WebsiteService4All has been submitted and in process. Much cheaper once a year cost of $95.40. Discussed
- Input? Most positive comments on mock up #2 Suggestion forwarded to web company-see action item
- Will start using computer and screen at meetings to pull up info for review
- Suggestion re: web, add “TREF’s Priorities” to mock up two (like in mock up three)
- Will meet with web designer and Melanie to review content for Injury Prevention page soon
1210-1235 Injury Prevention
Injury Prevention Committee: Melanie Gawlik, Chair |
- Upcoming meeting dates / times
- Upcoming events: Bike to Work Day booth at Caltrans pit stop midMay (purchasing 50 helmets) other giveaways TBD: Proposal-mg
Motion for $135 for “chapstick with TREF logo/website” giveaways- Approved after discussion.
Motion for $180 for 300 Bandaid Holder giveaways (w/Logo) -Approved
- TREF T-shirts- “Stacy to get quote”
- Touch a Truck May 31st (info and sign up contact)
- “every 15 min”
- IP Grant suggestions-mg
- May 15, Bike to Work day
- Okay to purchase chapstick and bandaid holder giveaways for Bike to Work day
- Melanie will get stickers from AAA
- Helmets were approved in prior meeting
- Await quote from “Stacy” for TREF t-shirts
- Kathi sent out sign-up sheet for Touch-a-Truck first aid booth May 31st
- Hope Maxson unable to attend (every 15 min) / unclear if TREF has a role, Kathi sent out highschool “catchment” map for adult centers
- Need to define process for grant application, may seek expert advice regarding grant writing
- Data requests, injury prevention-related or other, need to go through MAC, not TREF
ATS Kathi Ayers |
- ATS NTAM update and planning May 20,2015
- NTAM web site with resources- viewed on monitor
- Next goal AAST transition and consolidation of leadership of injury prevention to ATS.
- Sept 9 AAST summit on injury prevention
TREF Education |
- TNCC- any financial discussion needs/ operations in TPM meeting Discussed Course Director fee disparity. Possible increase to $750-$1000 would be more appropriate with amount of work involved.
- All TNCC/ATCN Instructors need to fill out a W-9 every year, update if move
- Develop plan for multi-disciplinary trauma conference, budget, site, date Defer discussion
- Defer further decision on amount of increase for Course Director fee.
- Discuss education budget and plan next month
- Did discuss TCAR in TPM meeting and support of $100 / trauma center nurse toward registration fee.
Finance Update Treasurer: Brian McCord |
- Motions needed for financial approval
- Budget Planning (defer)
- Bookkeeping reports (next month)
- Fine imposed for late tax filing for period due Feb 2014
- Bring budget / finance reports next month
Strategic TREF Board Planning 2014-2016 |
- Strategic planning –suggest use of current meeting time in April Did not discuss in detail
3 main goals: Web site upgrade, enhance education opportunities (i.e. TCAR), define process for “mini grants”.
(will review/plan budget, web site plan, IP committee restructure, annual goals)
- Will finalize three main goals at May meeting
- Renee will have an outline (proposal) of our grant process to review by June
1330 Meeting adjourned |