February 2015 TREF Meeting Minutes

TREF Minutes

Trauma Research & Education Foundation
3020 Children’s Way, Mailcode 5085
San Diego, California 92123-4282
Phone: 858-966-4010
Fax: 858-966-8525


Time Convened: 1330
Time Adjourned: 1450
Date: 2-23-2015
Nobel Room SLJ
Melinda Case,
Renee Douglas,
Melanie Gawlik,
Brian McCord
1200-1205 Review Minutes Minutes approved
Reflection Reflection:
Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
– – Frank Outlaw

1205-1235 Injury Prevention
Injury Prevention Committee: Melanie Gawlik, Chair
  • Update and restructure plan
    • Repository / Hub to gather information on events being planned by other community
    • organizations (will aid in determining TREF role in these) Annual goal -2 activities
  • Letter of Support for TREDS, Dr. Hill, grant proposal for a training program for youths and seniors on “defensive walking” (as opposed to distracted walking)
  • Request for funds/support from Safe Teen Driving Council for 50 adult helmets (see request)
  • Follow up on possible role to aid in sponsoring “every 15 minutes”
  • Upcoming events: Bike to Work May 15 and Touch a Truck May 31st (info and sign up contact)
  • AAST 2nd Annual injury prevention coordinators meeting in November
  • 2/9 Injury Prevention meeting reviewed,
    Melanie will send out dates for the next Injury Prevention meeting and
    it would be optimal to have representation from all the trauma centers
  • Motion to approve funds for 50 helmets as give-aways for Bike to Work Day $415.00 rd
    Motion seconded mg, Unanimously APPROVED
  • Await follow up with “Hope Maxson” regarding possible request for funding support of materials for CHP/ “every 15 minutes”
  • Melanie will send out some choices for give- aways (i.e. First Aid kit / Band Aid holders) at .60 cents each
  • Await sign up for May events, ?Jan for Touch a Truck
  • TREF Shirts for events?
ATS Kathi Ayers ATS NTAM update and planning for May 2015 ka- 3 committees worked on this (STN and ATS collaborated, see web site, MVC, Ped Struck, Falls, focus on distractions, drinking, drugs, drowsiness (Ds)
TREF Education 1235-1245
  • TCAR December: follow-up
  • TNCC- any financial discussion needs/ operations in TPM meeting
  • Receipts for community members
  • All TNCC/ATCN Instructors need to fill out a W-9 every year, update if move
  • ATCN faculty course –Cedar Sinai August 29-30
  • Proposal: sponsor at least 4 candidates?
  • Develop plan for multi-disciplinary trauma conference, budget, site, date (no action this meeting)
  • Possible TCAR course, TREF partial subsidize in late June. (Remember June 26 is TMAC)
    (Sharp also planning TCAR Sept 29 and 30)
  • Motion to approve TCAR food cost and cover $100 of each participants registration rd
  • Motion seconded mc, Unanimously APPROVED
  • Proposal agreed upon regarding sponsoring 4 or more instructor candidates for the August ATCN instructor course at Cedar Sinai. Specifics to follow
  • TNCC TNP boxes need cleaning up
  • Announcement of TNCC Instructor course March 12 -bmc
Finance Update
Treasurer: Brian McCord
  • Motions needed for financial approval
  • ?Ace uniform TREF tshirt quote –mg
  • Web site quotes (2 “bids”) -rd
  • Budget Planning (deferred)
  • Bookkeeping reports –reviewed, will include one each month, detail quarterly
(approved helmets under I.P., approved TCAR support under Ed.)

  • Two web site rebuild proposals presented.
    The board all liked the “Website Service 4All” proposal (and was least expensive).
    Motion to approve funds for web proposal $1895.00 plus monthly maintenance cost 39.95 (we will pay one year) Total $2,174 rd.
    Motion seconded bmc, Unanimously APPROVED.
  • Taxes are caught up
  • Discussed possible purchase of new laptop for the bookkeeping,
    as the current one is not functioning well bmc, Brian to get a quote (approved general plan)
Strategic TREF Board Planning 2014-2016
  • Strategic planning –suggest option of good use of current meeting time and not a separate retreat meeting
    (will review/plan budget, web site plan, IP committee restructure, annual goals)
Deferred discussion
Additional Items
  • Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research
    School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES)
    Possible internship with TREF, optimizing marketing, fundraising so we can provide more support to community activities in line with our mission
  • Define our process for Grant applications
Deferred discussion
Meeting adjourned